Year 8 (Stage 4) Elements Compounds and Mixtures- Survey and History of Atoms.

Elements Compounds and Mixtures- 1.What are the early ideas of atom?

Download the word document: Survey and History of Atoms:  Yr 8 Element C M_Survey and history of atoms


Part (A) What you already know- Survey and Discussion.

Answer the questions below:

  1. Matter are made up of tiny particles called atoms.     T/F
  2. All atoms in one matter have the same size and mass. For example, atoms of iron are all of same size and mass.
  3. All atoms of iron have the same chemical properties e.g. rusting  T/F
  4. Atoms in different matter are different in size and shape. For example, atoms of iron are different from atoms of another metal such as magnesium.   T/F
  5. Atoms are always in motion (either vibrating or moving around).  T/F
  6. Rusting of iron is a chemical reaction.    Y/N
  7. Water is a chemical.   T/F
  8. Oxygen is a chemical   T/.F
  9. Do you know what is an element?     Y/N
  10. Do you know what is a compound?    Y/N
  11. Oxygen is an element?    T/F
  12. Do you know all chemicals listed on the periodic table are elements?  Y/N
  13. Water is made up of two elements listed on the periodic table. Name these two elements.       _________ and ________
  14. Do you know the formula for water?   Y/N     Write down the formula for water: _____
  15. Do you know water is not an element but a compound?    Y/N     Do you know why  Y/N
  16. Have you heard about protons, neutrons, electrons?    Y/N
  17. Rocks and minerals are chemicals?   T/F
  18. Gold and copper are minerals and are elements and are listed in the periodic table. .    T/F
  19. Do you know that pencil lead is made from the element, carbon?   Y/N
  20. Carbon dioxide is made when two elements, carbon and oxygen combined in a chemical reaction.   Y/N

PART (B)  HISTORY of ATOMS  – What were the early ideas? Who

HISTORY OF ATOMS – What were the early ideas of atoms?


Democritus (460-370 B.C.) Ancient Greece

His ideas of atoms:


  1. Matter was made up of tiny solid particles he called atomos.
  2. Different matter is made up of atomos that have different size and shape,
  3. Changes in matter are caused by a changing of the grouping of atomos, not in changing the atomos themselves.


Main idea:  Democritus introduce the idea that matter is made up of atoms. All atoms of same matter are identical. Atoms of different matter are different.



Dalton, England:  (1803) Ideas of atom:


  1. Atoms are solid spheres.
  2. Each atom has a mass.
  3. Atoms of same elements have the all same mass.
  4. Atoms are rearranged in a chemical reaction
  5. Compounds are formed when two or more different kinds of atoms join together.



Main idea:

Atoms of same elements have the all same mass, atoms can be rearrangeed in a chemical reaction to form compounds.


JJ Thomson:  (1897)  


  1. He discovered the electron in 1897.
  2. His idea showed  that the atom contained smaller pieces, whereas Dalton had thought that atoms could not be broken down into anything simpler.
  3. His experiment using a cathode ray tube provides more thorough understanding of the properties of an electron (its mass compared with its electrical charge) and its properties.



Ernest Rutherford’s nuclear atom  (1911)



  1. Ernest Rutherford used experimental evidence to show that an atom must contain a central nucleus.
  2. Rutherford assumes that electrons are located outside the nucleus.
  3. This was further evidence that an atom contained smaller particles called subatomic particles
  4. This experiment introduces the nucleus and its properties, and shed more light on the contents of the atom.


Bohr’s electron orbits  (1922)

  1. Niels Bohr further developed Rutherford’s nuclear atom model. He used experimental evidence to support the idea that electrons occupy particular orbits or shells around the nucleus of an atom.
  2. The development of the theory of atomic structure is an example of:
  • How a theory may change as new evidence is found
  • How a scientific explanation is provisional but may become more convincing when predictions based on it are confirmed later on



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